Westlock Gospel Chapel – Awana Bible Club Start-up Letter
10227-97 St.
Westlock, AB T7P 2H1
Ph. 780-349-4555
Email: wgchapel@telusplanet.net
Website: www.westlockgospelchapel.com
We wish to thank you for your confidence in sending your child to our Awana Bible Club. We just wanted to let you know how club will be operating this fall.
All clubs will be on Thursday nights from 6:00-7:30pm. (Sparks, T&T, Trek, Journey)
Each week when you arrive at Awana Bible Club, you will be greeted at the door by an Awana volunteer who will be giving assistance/direction. Please come in with your young children to drop them off. We ask children to leave their outside footwear in the designated area in the foyer, and coats on the hooks in the hallway and if eating supper, please stay in the foyer until finished. It is important that everyone has indoor shoes, in case of an emergency where we need to evacuate the building.
*Sparks (K-gr. 2) attendance will be in the foyer downstairs at a table when they come in, and then they go directly upstairs and have their own opening ceremonies.
*The Truth &Training, Trek, and Journey clubs (grades 3-12) will be meeting in the gym for opening ceremonies, and then proceeding, as directed, to their separate groups.
No running please throughout the building before and after Awana, and also when moving between stations during the evening. All clubbers are to remain indoors at the end of Awana until picked up by parents/guardians. Pick up time is 7:30pm, please be punctual. Sparks are to be picked up upstairs by parents/guardians only. Our clean-up will begin immediately after our programs end, so there will be no gym use/games after club is over.
Each clubber is asked to bring the following each week to club:
- Bible (if they have one)
- Awana Handbook
- Labeled Water Bottle
- Wear their Uniform
- Indoor footwear
- Bring everything labeled in a bag (Sparks & T&T receive one)
Please keep your child at home if they are sick. We want to do our best to keep everyone healthy at Awana Bible Club.
Fees –Book fees are $10 per book for all clubs. (no 25¢ dues will be collected in Sparks and T&T this year)
T-shirts for Trek & Journey are $20. T-shirts for T&T are $15. Uniform vests are provided for Sparks.
Trish Ehrenholz
Awana Adminstration